Tuesday 31st Oct (couldn't get online till now!)
Although it seems every week’s the same, crazy and hectic!!!
Weekends on are always busy, but this past weekend was especially so, with several events organised.
I accompanied the choir to a church in Pinetown on Friday night where they were invited to perform. Half-way there Siya (choir leader), Samson (driver) and myself realised that none of us actually knew where we were going… we had the name of the church and I could remember what I thought was the road, but Pinetown’s a big place! We only had to stop once, although didn’t get much help, and when we stopped for directions a second time, we found we’d stopped in the coach parking bay for the very church we were aiming for! God is good at directions when we are forgetful!
It was a mission praise type concert event and lots of different choirs performed. Apart from another black choir, the Young Zulu Warriors were the only non-white faces in there and when they got up to sing, they totally blew everyone away, it was great! I was really proud of them…
On Saturday I couldn’t go with the male voice choir to a competition as we had lovely visitors coming to repaint our dining room and I had to be here for them. I was glad also not to have to leave at 4.30am with the boys and they were under strict instructions not to wake me up with last minute questions! They were in the second round of a prestigious competition and finished 5th out of 22. Not bad, but they should have won and there was mutterings of possible rigging etc. Still, they got 90% overall, so that’s not bad!
The weekend wasn’t over for the choir though. On Sunday afternoon we hosted a Tea Concert in our theatre, where the choir performed and the children who had been doing intensive dance courses with a teacher from the Durban Playhouse also put on a show for the other children, volunteers and visitors. It was a beautifully hot day and a really good atmosphere and everyone had a good time.
I’m writing this in my room, ready to paste when I can get online. I moved offices and the phone line in my new office is out of order already, so internet connection is FRUSTRATING at the moment. Please pray for a miracle with the phone lines here, they are rubbish. As I type, a massive storm is raging right overhead, about 10 minutes ago the power finally went, instead of flickering on and off as it has been for the last hour. 2 nights ago the power was off all night and my fridge defrosted onto the kitchen floor. Looks likely I’ll have the same joys tomorrow morning… I’m providing shelter for Jock, one of Heather Reynolds’ many dogs, who is quite sad as his owner is still overseas. He came scratching at my door when the storm started but is now drying off in the middle of the carpet, might end up staying all night if this storm continues…. Thunderstorms in the UK will never be as exciting as these! (and don’t worry, I’m not connected to power supplies when I’m writing this!)