Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


'Hectic' seems to be my word of the moment.

Everything seems to be hectic.
Last week was hectic with busy workshops and meetings.
I had a horrible journey back as I felt so ill, tried to sleep on the plane but sleep eluded me so I just moped around instead, thankfully only a 2 hour flight!
But a good dose of sleep and strong antibiotics, plus the most disgusting sour-tasting cough mixture I've ever experienced is slowly working to heal my long-standing cough so I hope I'll be completely fine soon (after about 6 weeks of feeling rough I'm starting to forget what that feels like)

And spiritually things are hectic as well this week. It's like a never-ending rollercoaster of great times with God and then WHAMM! Massive spiritual attack in various forms, some subtle, some not so subtle. I'm rapidly approaching, or may have even hit, the end of my strength and then it's just God coming in to sustain me... which He does, thankfully :-)

HJ & Michael and I have changed churches and now go to an Anglican church in Kloof, which happens to be the S.African base for New Wine Networks, which is really cool. Lots of young people, very vibrant and lively church with lots of Holy Spirit ministry. Have joined a Young Adults Small group too which was very powerful, deep and refreshing...

This weekend is going to be a significant one, there's a prominent Christian Songwriter - Lenny LeBlanc - leading a live worship evening on Friday, followed by a Quiet Day in the hills with church on Saturday (good for regaining perspective...), and all of that BEFORE the Sunday services! Pray that God moves powerfully in me this weekend and for some guidance as I'm trudging through a sludgy path towards being fed up and depressed at the moment and it would be good to get some renewed vision and energy for living a victorious life out here. I hope I'll have lots of amazing stuff to write up next week!


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