Song-filled Summer Sunday

Today has been an extremely musical day. To start, the choir guys returned from an all-night competition of Ischatamia (kind of male voice choir - very loud and impressive, with a bit of movement thrown in), in which they came FIRST out of 28 choirs. So they were pleased, and exhausted, but not too much to give us a rendition in the car park, which delighted kids and volunteers alike. We were all very pleased to hear that they'd won!
Following on from this the kids got to sing God's praises in church, and as I was leading today they chose to sing in English rather than Zulu. No need for a music group, we just sing and it's loud. Although I'm not sure whether 'If you're happy and you know it' would make it into 'mission praise'...
Lunchtime was replaced by this month's Birthday party, this month celebrating 3 children's birthdays. As you can see above, Heather R has returned from her travels and so it was wonderful for the children to have their party on her veranda in the afternoon sunshine. As we had a visitor from Holland too, the older children performed some of their songs from choir and kept everyone entertained. It was a great party and reunion for all with their Gogo and much sugar was consumed too (thank goodness for party games to burn off some of that cake-energy!)
But the fun wasn't over. The teenagers who I take to Youth group had been invited to perform again at a Church braai and concert and so Mavu and I headed off once again in the combi with them to Pietermaritzburg. The church has welcomed them in with open arms and calls us family (how many churches would accept 14 random teenagers who just wander in one day?) But PCF, all credit to them, have loved and accepted us from the start, which is FANTASTIC! Our boys taught their dance to some of the other boys there and they all performed to an enthusiastic crowd, as did the girls. It was a great evening for them and they've all made some good friends there and love going.
They were so hyped up that they sang extremely loudly all the way home (at which point Mavu and I started discussing the possibility of 'investing' in a sound-proof screen to put just behind the front seats.... ) Sometimes combis can feel a little small... these guys are not quiet singers and have no need for any artificial amplification.... Half an hour in a combi and I feel like I've been at a loud rock concert....
But all in all, a great day and much fun was had by all!
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