Happy Valentine's Birthday?
It was also my first Valentine's Day with a boyfriend.
And today is the usual February 15th (without a boyfriend)
Exactly 10 years ago, I spent my Birthday in Paris with another girl who was working in Bordeaux with me. She contracted tonsilitis and spent my entire Birthday being ill in bed. It was rubbish and, at the time, my worst Birthday ever.
Yesterday pushed that incident off the top spot and firmly took it's place as 'Worst Birthday Ever'. I'm not sure I can really go into many details, most of the day was brilliant, but our romantic evening out in Durban didn't quite go to plan as it featured ex-girlfriends turning up, crowds, a waiting time of at least 90 minutes for 2 small meals (MIA in Gateway, Durban - good food, shame about the wait), preceeded by a minor bout of hypoglycaemia, televised soccer matches and scores, complete lack of any romance or valentines whatsoever... you get the picture.
It's been building up for a little while now, but today was the day when I finally and definitely broke up with Smilo. We've been together only 4 months, but there were some good times and happy memories to remember. I hope, in time, we'll be friends.
I'm not so good at breaking up with people and am dipping up and down on the rollercoaster of emotions right now. I know it's for the best, but that doesn't mean I'm any less sad. He was my best friend in Africa and now he can't be around any more. Please pray for both of us as we come to terms with this change in schedule and move on to new adventures. I know God has some great plans for him and He is working in his life to transform him, but it's time for me to duck out of the equation and leave God to work. If you've ever broken up with someone, or had someone break up with you, you'll understand what I'm going through right now.... ;-(
At least Tubbles is faithful and cuddly and good for stress...
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