Lily concert - Saturday afternoon out

The valley of Sankontshe and Mophela is just down from us and therein lies another Children's home called 'Lily of the Valley'. They've just completed their new open-air theatre and invited the kids from GGA to attend the opening festival on Saturday.
So it was that a group of kids and volunteers headed over there and had a great afternoon, under ominous looking rain-clouds, which finally broke just as we were leaving. There was an American-style African beauty pageant, including most glamourous Gogo (granny) which was very popular with the crowds even though only 3 entered. Some of our boys and girls performed one of the dances they've been perfecting through recent dance lessons here at GGA, and this went down well too.
Most of the volunteers had come to support our very own Vincent, who was playing guitar (see picture above, unfortunately his head got cut off in the collage!!!) with Tim from Lily, and also with his own band, NVS, consisting of Nkonzo, Vincent and Smilo, who also went down very well with the audience, as they were so brilliant! ;-)
The little girl I'm with in the photo is from the valley, she latched on to me and seemed to be alone, and not speaking much English, I had to get our boys to help me discover who she came with, but not before I'd got her a drink, communicating with gestures and a little bit of Zulu that I could remember. 'Ufuna idrink?' 'Yebo!'
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