
One of my little friends here, Amahle, really rolls his 'r' when he talks about where he goes to school, it's too cute...
Today, we didn't go to his preschool, but Michelle (current pre-school administrator), Maureen (volunteer just arrived for 2nd trip here) and I went to visit 3 of our 5 preschools in the valleys and to take them CD players and books.
The preschools vary in stages of how developed they are. This photo is of the one which is least developed right now, there are 40 children in the one small room for school, with no lightbulb and dirty walls (as you can see). But they were overjoyed to see us and sang us everything they know in English and Zulu.
I finally got to use my Zulu too!
Thulani! = be quiet!
Ninjani? = how are you?
Nikukhuluma isiNgisi? = Do you speak English? - to which came the chorused reply 'How are you?'
It was great to be in the valleys, but this preschool was the last of the 3 we visited and it was quite overwhelming to be greeted by all the kids on one small room. Actually, there are 26 in the room next door. Even more overwhelming when you discover that there are over 100 on the books, and this morning it was bitterly cold so some will have stayed at home!
We are seeking funding to help this school in particular, so if it touches your heart and you want to do something practical to help them, please get in touch... They need resources of all sorts, paint and lots lots more!
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