transformations in the valley...

This bit of land, currently covered in rather large cacti, is due to be transformed very shortly into a new preschool, thanks to some generous donors. It's going to be very exciting to work alongside everyone as this process happens and to rejoice with the local preschool teachers as they get a bigger and better space to teach in, and welcome in many many more children as well.
Visiting pre-schools, dropping teachers off at home and all the rest is meaning I'm spending more and more time in the valleys, it's so amazing to see how people live and how inventive they are at building their houses. This is the real Africa, where we really can make a difference. I think people are starting to recognise my car on certain roads, I'm getting more people waving at me as I cruise past! ;-) I'm praying that our car copes with the ever increasing pot-holes we have to sometimes drive over, the suspension is ok, for the moment...
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