Sunday, February 25, 2007
I first discovered the African Penguins on BBC before heading down this way and made a promise to myself to visit them when I came to Cape Town. So this afternoon I made the trip down on an amazing coastal route to Boulder's Beach, where the little fellows hang out in the sand.
Penguins are amazing, they were swimming next to humans without worrying, waddling round the beach. A bit further up they had their own reserved beach overlooked by a multitude of multi-cultural tourists in reverent silence and awe for such cool creatures. Fluffy baby penguins wandered around trying not to trip over the eggs on the sand. Apparently this colony just turned up on the beach one day and decided to stay. They were called 'jackass' penguins as they make the braying noise of a donkey, but this label has since been replaced with the more polite 'African Penguin'. In any case, they seem very at home on the gorgeous sandy beach in the sunshine.
The last picture was taken at the V&A Waterfront in the centre of Cape Town, in Nobel Square. There are statues of the 4 recipients of the Nobel Peach prize (Albert Luthuli, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, FW DeClerk and Nelson Mandela.) This little kid was getting in touch with his heritage.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A change of scene...
This is the view from the guest house just outside a tiny place called Klapmuts, where I’ll be for the next week.(weekend off then Life-skills workshop and meetings) From my room I have the most amazing view down the valley between the Stellenbosch mountains range, which makes up for the fact that the room is half as wide as it is high. Weird. Think about it.
People say that Cape Town is a bit different from the rest of South Africa, but you wouldn’t know it from the shanty town surrounding the airport. I haven’t had time to check out the centre yet, but I did drive down to Stellenbosch to investigate one of the best Universities in the country.
The town of Stellenbosch is definitely a university town. It’s very leafy with lots of shops and places to hang out and has a definite vibe to it. To get there I drove through a windy and pleasant road through the vineyards in the late afternoon sunshine. The views were breathtaking and I could easily have been in Europe by the names of the vineyards ‘Le Bonheur’, ‘L’Avenir’, even ‘Warwick’… Wine Routes are, however, pointless when you can’t taste any of it due to avoiding drinking and driving...
It does seem, though, that residents of the town of Stellenbosch don’t understand 4-way stops. There’s an implicit ‘whoever gets there first, goes first’ rule about them which was overlooked by at least 2 drivers this afternoon. I have no intention of scratching the lovely silver Yaris that’s been hired for me over the next few days…
I really needed to get away for a few days, I’m still battling sore throat, cough and other yucky ‘run-down’ symptoms. I’m starting to tire of filling the doctor’s pockets with cash and I need a rest. A change is as good as a rest, apparently, so I’m putting that to the test at the moment, but there was something very mellow about listening to relaxing music whilst driving through such beautiful countryside so hopefully I’ll be feeling much better soon…
Tomorrow I’m going to attempt to go to church (if I can find it!) then I’ll be checking out the wonders of Cape Town.
People say that Cape Town is a bit different from the rest of South Africa, but you wouldn’t know it from the shanty town surrounding the airport. I haven’t had time to check out the centre yet, but I did drive down to Stellenbosch to investigate one of the best Universities in the country.
The town of Stellenbosch is definitely a university town. It’s very leafy with lots of shops and places to hang out and has a definite vibe to it. To get there I drove through a windy and pleasant road through the vineyards in the late afternoon sunshine. The views were breathtaking and I could easily have been in Europe by the names of the vineyards ‘Le Bonheur’, ‘L’Avenir’, even ‘Warwick’… Wine Routes are, however, pointless when you can’t taste any of it due to avoiding drinking and driving...
It does seem, though, that residents of the town of Stellenbosch don’t understand 4-way stops. There’s an implicit ‘whoever gets there first, goes first’ rule about them which was overlooked by at least 2 drivers this afternoon. I have no intention of scratching the lovely silver Yaris that’s been hired for me over the next few days…
I really needed to get away for a few days, I’m still battling sore throat, cough and other yucky ‘run-down’ symptoms. I’m starting to tire of filling the doctor’s pockets with cash and I need a rest. A change is as good as a rest, apparently, so I’m putting that to the test at the moment, but there was something very mellow about listening to relaxing music whilst driving through such beautiful countryside so hopefully I’ll be feeling much better soon…
Tomorrow I’m going to attempt to go to church (if I can find it!) then I’ll be checking out the wonders of Cape Town.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
more sheep-antics
Heather Jean bought me a beautiful fern for my birthday...
It was so beautiful that Sunday (resident sheep and all round pain... ) ate most of it this morning whilst we were at prayer...
The 'birthday fiasco' continues... ;-)
(... and the sheep's days are numbered!!!)*
* for the prevention of possibly GGA litigation procedures, it must be stated that no harm has come to Sunday on GGA property. But if he puts as much as one hoof off...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Too hot for pancakes?
Happy Pancake Day, Mardi Gras etc etc …
Not wanting to break with British tradition, I planned to make and enjoy some pancakes today. I hadn’t banked on it being the hottest day of the year so far, with temperatures around 44 degrees C, crazy weather. It was beautifully sunny though, just too hot to be outside. Severely dangerous weather warnings for the North of KZN where I guess you risk dehydration and all sorts just by existing… The heat wave’s here for a few days, which is why it’s about 25 degrees out now (at 10.30pm!) I’m glad this weather will only last for a week or so, it’s quite draining. Am off to Cape Town on Saturday so it might be a bit cooler there…
But I did manage to make some pancakes, guestimating the measurements for the ingredients. And they turned out well… I recommend cinnamon and honey, a fine combination. No-one else here bothered though, just me to hold the pancake fort for the whole of South Africa maybe?!
It must be the inspiration of going to an Anglican church on Sunday evening that reminded me about Lent and all that. Usually I don’t really bother, but I think I am going to give up chocolate this year. It’s not long really, and my family are here for Easter so I reckon a chocolate fast and general detox are in order. So my birthday chocolate is safely packed away unopened in a box in my wardrobe, to be munched at Easter (I’m sure Liz and Rob will help me, won’t you?!) and full steam ahead into Lent we go…
And as for something to take on at Lent (much better than just being in denial), I think I’ll make it a regular habit, ie daily, to put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6), as it is actually a vital habit for all Christians and I’m fed up of being attacked on all levels…
Not wanting to break with British tradition, I planned to make and enjoy some pancakes today. I hadn’t banked on it being the hottest day of the year so far, with temperatures around 44 degrees C, crazy weather. It was beautifully sunny though, just too hot to be outside. Severely dangerous weather warnings for the North of KZN where I guess you risk dehydration and all sorts just by existing… The heat wave’s here for a few days, which is why it’s about 25 degrees out now (at 10.30pm!) I’m glad this weather will only last for a week or so, it’s quite draining. Am off to Cape Town on Saturday so it might be a bit cooler there…
But I did manage to make some pancakes, guestimating the measurements for the ingredients. And they turned out well… I recommend cinnamon and honey, a fine combination. No-one else here bothered though, just me to hold the pancake fort for the whole of South Africa maybe?!
It must be the inspiration of going to an Anglican church on Sunday evening that reminded me about Lent and all that. Usually I don’t really bother, but I think I am going to give up chocolate this year. It’s not long really, and my family are here for Easter so I reckon a chocolate fast and general detox are in order. So my birthday chocolate is safely packed away unopened in a box in my wardrobe, to be munched at Easter (I’m sure Liz and Rob will help me, won’t you?!) and full steam ahead into Lent we go…
And as for something to take on at Lent (much better than just being in denial), I think I’ll make it a regular habit, ie daily, to put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6), as it is actually a vital habit for all Christians and I’m fed up of being attacked on all levels…
Saturday, February 17, 2007
more seasonal confusion...
Green fingers
(after) severely pruned trees - but look there's a window behind!
Heather Jean and Michael helped me to cut back the trees that block a lot of light into my house and suddenly it's a whole new world inside! I've become quite the expert with secateurs and a saw and cutting things was fun! I could get the hang of this gardening fun...
Tubbles and Natha (the cats) just lazed and watched, but Sunday appeared to help clear up, by eating the pile of cuttings (before we stopped him, don't know if it's good for sheep - they are not too bright and eat stuff that makes them sick sometimes).
However, Sunday tried to get his revenge by proceeding to eat the newly-pruned trees and then attacking my Birthday palm tree and even having a look into my house. He received the usual treatment reserved for marauding animals on site - a 5 litre bottle of water straight over him - only discouraged him for a few minutes though!
Something about clearing my windows has started a chain of events which goes something like realising my windows need cleaning, cleaning them, then looking at cleaning the walls in my house and generally having a massive clear out in my house. It's amazing how being newly-single has opened my eyes to the opportunities I need to do, when I leave this place it will be the nicest place to stay at GGA!
Friday, February 16, 2007
the day after...
The shops are stocking some new ranges of clothes, in autumnal colours. It's so weird, I thought I'd struggle with Christmas being hot, but in fact I think it's more disconcerting that it's almost March and there are browns and greens in the shops instead of spring-like pastel pinks and the like. Funny how culture shock hits when you least expect it. (but I did window-shop some nice stuff... ;-) )
With the exception of a 'moment' in the supermarket when I nearly burst into tears at the sight of strawberry yogurt (s's favourite), I've been doing well today and am feeling much better and positive about the future. Life goes on. I'm excited about the new opportunities and whoever God might bring into my life in the future...
In the meantime, I'm very busy sorting all sorts of reports out and communicating with funders, so there's no time to mope around. Plus this weekend it's the monthly Birthday party for the kids, and for me, and so there's lots to be prepared! Will make up for the traumatic week just past ;-) (as long as I get a little taste of cake, I'll be happy)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine's Birthday?
It was also my first Valentine's Day with a boyfriend.
And today is the usual February 15th (without a boyfriend)
Exactly 10 years ago, I spent my Birthday in Paris with another girl who was working in Bordeaux with me. She contracted tonsilitis and spent my entire Birthday being ill in bed. It was rubbish and, at the time, my worst Birthday ever.
Yesterday pushed that incident off the top spot and firmly took it's place as 'Worst Birthday Ever'. I'm not sure I can really go into many details, most of the day was brilliant, but our romantic evening out in Durban didn't quite go to plan as it featured ex-girlfriends turning up, crowds, a waiting time of at least 90 minutes for 2 small meals (MIA in Gateway, Durban - good food, shame about the wait), preceeded by a minor bout of hypoglycaemia, televised soccer matches and scores, complete lack of any romance or valentines whatsoever... you get the picture.
It's been building up for a little while now, but today was the day when I finally and definitely broke up with Smilo. We've been together only 4 months, but there were some good times and happy memories to remember. I hope, in time, we'll be friends.
I'm not so good at breaking up with people and am dipping up and down on the rollercoaster of emotions right now. I know it's for the best, but that doesn't mean I'm any less sad. He was my best friend in Africa and now he can't be around any more. Please pray for both of us as we come to terms with this change in schedule and move on to new adventures. I know God has some great plans for him and He is working in his life to transform him, but it's time for me to duck out of the equation and leave God to work. If you've ever broken up with someone, or had someone break up with you, you'll understand what I'm going through right now.... ;-(
At least Tubbles is faithful and cuddly and good for stress...
Monday, February 12, 2007
A relaxing weekend...
Friday and Saturday were HOT... but then it rained pretty much all day Sunday so now it's quite pleasant temperature-wise.
I managed to have a good relaxing weekend without going to stay somewhere else, entertaining at 'home' instead for a change. It was quite nice to spend a bit of quality time with the children here, even if we did round up some kids to play soccer on Saturday morning in the heat only to have them all drop out after about 10 minutes play... (just to clarify, I wasn't playing soccer, I was doing a child monitoring job, my friend Ryan was the one mad enough to run around in the heat with the kids!) Three hard-core kids continued to play when even he had given up...
I also came face-to-face with my first snake at GGA (Sorry mum, look away now... ) Although I think it was actually already dead. This is the first one I've seen nearby and not through the protective glass of a car window whilst trawling through a game reserve. Not that scary when they're dead though. I didn't see, but only heard about the green one near my house a few week's ago...
Another first was trying Biltong (a South African delicacy, apparently). It's like chewy beef sticks, REALLY hard to bite into, you kind of have to chew... I don't think my teeth are strong enough yet.. but I caused much amusement attempting to break it. Actually it was quite tasty, but I'm not sure I have the energy to eat much of it!
And another first was my first venture into 'GATEWAY-Theatre of Shopping', reputed to be the 'largest shopping centre in the Southern Hemisphere' or 'Shoppertainment' as some people like to refer to it. For a Saturday it seemed quite quiet there, a fairly pleasant shopping experience, even if we did go and see possibly the worst movie this year 'The Marine' (only bother if you are into extremely over the top explosions and unbelievable acting). So bad it was actually quite entertaining, thus Gateway lived up to it's 'Shoppertainment' label...
All this, and travelling around the valley in the car I should have got instead of my fairly low toyota, a Landrover that loved the potholes, bumps, mud and puddles. It got a full run through dust, mud, thunder, lightening and torrential rain. All good fun! I'm really annoyed now that the nice people at Landrover never got back to me when I asked them to donate one to GGA, it would have been perfect... no scrapes on the front of this vehicle when driving on extremely uneven road surfaces. My poor Toyota...
So the weather is slightly cooler (will it last though?) and I'm relaxed and feeling much much better than last week. Thanks to all who prayed. Feeling much more positive about things too. God is good and He is faithful. Exciting things are about to happen...
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Habbakuk and the like...
I've been hanging out in the lesser-known Biblical book of Habbakuk over the past few days (it's snuggled in between Nahum and Zephaniah). It's a great encouragement when one is battling a bit of depression. Well, perhaps more likely melancholi-ness (have I just invented a word?).
Although I'm back to work today, I was exhausted by lunch time and feeling quite sad, which is unusual for me, can't put my finger on why. I wonder if it could be a cross-cultural moment, which is quite normal. In any case, I hope I work it out sooner rather than later. I might run out of tissues...
But anyway, Habbakuk. I'm no theologian, but I appreciate verses like these to remind me to keep my chin up (in true British fashion):
"Though the fig-tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the field produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet will I rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in Christ my Saviour.
The Sovereign LORD is my strength, he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." (Hab 3:17-19)
I'm hoping my weekend off will put me in a better place. At least that it will be a chance to relax and unwind and bring all anxieties before the Lord and leave them there. If you pray, please do, using this as an update. Thanks.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Tuesday 6th Feb: 'Rested'
When I was making my first tentative ventures into journalling, at the tender age of about 9, I kept a diary about my daily life.
My parents still roll about laughing when they recall its contents:
Watched TV, rested. Played Thundercats with James. Rested
... and so it went on...
In any case, my journal entry for the next few days will look something like a blast from the past as the lovely Dr this morning told me I must go home and R-E-S-T and do nothing else.
Thorough investigation has turned up no ticks (hurrah)
And a rather expensive (yet cleanly done) blood test revealed no malaria (double hurrah!)
But my heart rate is still alarmingly high (120bpm resting) which is not hurrah ;(
So that is why I am to do nothing until Thursday and to see if it calms down.
It's a weird thing, doing nothing.
For one thing it seems great, but is actually really very boring...
expect 'you can tell she's bored' blogs tomorrow then...
I guess the end cause will probably be put down to stress... if you pray please do so over these next few days, that I will recover quickly and define what needs to be changed to prevent problem re-occuring. I can think of a few things but they might not go down too well... maybe it will be time to suggest them after all.
Entertaining emails most gratefully received. ;)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
bits and bobs..
So, I had one and half days 'signed-off-sick', which is difficult when you live at the office practically, but I managed to 'hide' somewhat and ignore people knocking at my door at 7.30am (a common problem), went back to work on Friday cos I'm duty manager this weekend and booked to see the Dr, but as is always the case, I then felt better so cancelled appointment. And then I've felt fairly bad all weekend. I've had a headache since Tuesday which comes and goes and this morning, after a good night's sleep, the time I spent yawning was more than when not yawning... hmm, not good. Think I might have to return to Dr tomorrow...
Internet research has pointed out that you can get tick-bite fever from those little pesky ticks living in long grass in rural areas, like the waist-high undisturbed field of grass I waded through on Monday late afternoon to help Smilo move into his new abode then... I didn't know it was going to be like that so was only in my usual trusty flip-flops and long, flowing (culturally-appropriate) skirt... thinking back, I do remember wincing at something on my toe, but on inspection there is nothing there.... hmm, all very mysterious. Unfortunately I don't have any shoes to wear in that situation, will have to look into it. I did wear my walking boots with afore-mentioned skirt to run across our fields to fetch Jude for something when he was here (proof, if it was needed, that I was NOT out to impress, as the other women in the office gave me top marks for un-matching outfit that morning and have not ceased to criticise my footwear ever since!)
Anyway, time will tell. I'm just quite depressed and tired right now. To the point of wanting to burst into tears for no apparent reason... I hope the cause will be sorted and treated sooner rather than later, it's starting to get annoying and I want to break my 'addiction' to codeine asap!
In other news, the weather here continues to be roasting followed by dangerous with storms, and then changing to cold without any warning. I thought England was weird, but it's definitely rained more here than I saw in the UK for a long time...
We had yet more celebrity visitors, it's funny how they just turn up here. I gave a tour to a lovely actress not even realising who she was until she mentioned she's in Coronation St, further 'Googling' has revealed she's been in masses more comedy stuff too, I thought she looked familiar...
Also, I've finally cottoned on the the BBC TV Series 'Spooks', and being ill gave me the opportunity to see the last episode of season 1 (yes, I'm that far behind!). I thought it was about time I got into it, seeing as a friend of mine is one of the lead characters and all that... I was completely on the edge of my seat at the cliff-hanger at the end of the series and frustrated to think that I've not seen any more series for sale here so I'm going to have to wait. Hurrah for the BBC website and all the episode descriptions, so I'm not so sad any more! Ellie doesn't die, and neither does Maisie! (apologies if I've just spoilt it for anyone)... I'm not sure I'll ever catch up though, I think the UK is onto series 6 or 7...
I've distributed my latest news-letter/prayer letter - if you didn't receive it yet then let me know. Please keep praying, it means a lot and things are happening here because of your faithfulness in interceding, so a massive thank you!
I spent most of this morning's Zulu church service being dragged (albeit slowly) by our youngest child (18mths) back and forth across the playground to the clinic. She has a strange 'auto-pilot' to wander there whenever she can, she thinks it's hilarious. Hypochondriac in training maybe?
But a cute one at that! ;)
ok, enough rambling, I'm off to see what's going on on the playground...
Internet research has pointed out that you can get tick-bite fever from those little pesky ticks living in long grass in rural areas, like the waist-high undisturbed field of grass I waded through on Monday late afternoon to help Smilo move into his new abode then... I didn't know it was going to be like that so was only in my usual trusty flip-flops and long, flowing (culturally-appropriate) skirt... thinking back, I do remember wincing at something on my toe, but on inspection there is nothing there.... hmm, all very mysterious. Unfortunately I don't have any shoes to wear in that situation, will have to look into it. I did wear my walking boots with afore-mentioned skirt to run across our fields to fetch Jude for something when he was here (proof, if it was needed, that I was NOT out to impress, as the other women in the office gave me top marks for un-matching outfit that morning and have not ceased to criticise my footwear ever since!)
Anyway, time will tell. I'm just quite depressed and tired right now. To the point of wanting to burst into tears for no apparent reason... I hope the cause will be sorted and treated sooner rather than later, it's starting to get annoying and I want to break my 'addiction' to codeine asap!
In other news, the weather here continues to be roasting followed by dangerous with storms, and then changing to cold without any warning. I thought England was weird, but it's definitely rained more here than I saw in the UK for a long time...
We had yet more celebrity visitors, it's funny how they just turn up here. I gave a tour to a lovely actress not even realising who she was until she mentioned she's in Coronation St, further 'Googling' has revealed she's been in masses more comedy stuff too, I thought she looked familiar...
Also, I've finally cottoned on the the BBC TV Series 'Spooks', and being ill gave me the opportunity to see the last episode of season 1 (yes, I'm that far behind!). I thought it was about time I got into it, seeing as a friend of mine is one of the lead characters and all that... I was completely on the edge of my seat at the cliff-hanger at the end of the series and frustrated to think that I've not seen any more series for sale here so I'm going to have to wait. Hurrah for the BBC website and all the episode descriptions, so I'm not so sad any more! Ellie doesn't die, and neither does Maisie! (apologies if I've just spoilt it for anyone)... I'm not sure I'll ever catch up though, I think the UK is onto series 6 or 7...
I've distributed my latest news-letter/prayer letter - if you didn't receive it yet then let me know. Please keep praying, it means a lot and things are happening here because of your faithfulness in interceding, so a massive thank you!
I spent most of this morning's Zulu church service being dragged (albeit slowly) by our youngest child (18mths) back and forth across the playground to the clinic. She has a strange 'auto-pilot' to wander there whenever she can, she thinks it's hilarious. Hypochondriac in training maybe?
But a cute one at that! ;)
ok, enough rambling, I'm off to see what's going on on the playground...