Jane's visit - Saturday 21st Oct

Jane’s visit – my first guest!
It was fantastic to have Jane, one of my Leamington ex-housemates, visit on Saturday. She’s been in PMB working on a church project for 2 weeks. She brought some gifts for the crèche children, although we didn’t get to give it to them until Sunday morning before breakfast when they were up and had some energy. Saturday was so hot that they were all wilting!
Well, for ‘some’ energy, read ‘A LOT OF ENERGY’. They were overjoyed at the dolls and toy cars. One of our boys screamed with delight when Jane gave him a car, ran round in circles and flung himself onto a chair beaming with delight, it was magical!
The others leapt all over Jane (which I’m sure she loved!) and several non-crèche kids thought they’d get in on the action too! As we were setting off for church, I asked J if we’d forgotten anything and she replied ‘a couple of the orphans…’ ;-)
I took 5 of our older boys to I-LIFE on Sunday night at church, a service for youth and students. They loved being in my car instead of the usual vehicles (as mine is top of the range with electric windows, loud stereo and leather seats! Top of the range for 1995 that is!!!) We arrived to a power-cut but that was fixed just at the moment we decided to stop sitting around and start praising to candlelight. They enjoyed the music, dancing, singing and talk. I think they also enjoyed meeting some of the others who go there, in particular some of the girls…. Hmm. ;-)
The church we’ve settled on going to is called Pietermaritzburg Christian Fellowship and it’s a rare-ish church in that it really is multi-cultural and multi-racial. We sing in Zulu, Afrikaans, English and in many other of the dialects of S.Africa. A lot of churches here end up being either white or zulu churches with little cross-over so it’s really refreshing to find one that is committed to growing together. It’s a great church, even if I can’t go every week.
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