I'm still here...

I’m still here…
No, I’ve not gone AWOL. I am still here, promise.
Last week was HECTIC… Heather R is now in the UK and there was lots to discuss before she left so that took up most of my time. And then on Friday the internet connections here decided that they were having the day off so I couldn’t even connect! I guess that’s one of the idiosyncrasies of living on top of a hill in Africa…
Have just returned from a relaxing weekend off, HJ and I escaped to the Indian Ocean and stayed at a really nice backpackers in Umhlanga, just North of Durban, highly recommended if you are ever that way… The best bit was just getting away and relaxing and being able to enjoy a bath (as we only have showers here!) We had views over the ocean and it was mesmerising to watch the powerful waves crashing against the shore. It made me think about the power of the Ocean, and also quite sombre to think that this same ocean is the one that produced the Tsunami not so long ago…
The weather wasn’t brilliant but we managed to visit Umhlanga Rocks and enjoyed walking along the beach and exploring the rock pools. I took some ‘arty photos’ of rocks… On Sunday we drove home via a very ‘shabby chic’ beach area in Durban, wandering through a multi-ethnic market where Zulu beadwork was on sale next to Indian belly dancing outfits with second-hand books in between. It was great to admire the intricate detail of the beadwork and to chat to the ladies who made it. I networked a bit too, chatting to a young guy who was selling some beautiful traditional Zulu scene paintings. He could be a great person to do a workshop with some of our children here or in the valley, encouraging them to build on their culture, to produce items that can be sold to make money for themselves and their families. Wherever we go, we talk about GGA and it’s amazing how many people want more info or offer to help in someway. This is networking at its best!
Have also found a fantastic church in Pietermaritzburg, where I think we’ll probably stay. We only went to the evening Youth event so far but it’s very multicultural and we had a great time praising God in Zulu, Sotho and English! Feeling positive about it and am now ready to face what could be a very busy week.
For anyone who has emailed me and I haven’t replied, I will. I’m doing well and really feeling at home here. Even the bugs don’t bother me, have set roach traps all round my kitchen. It’s funny but the majority of bugs I find in my house are already on their backs, but still alive! Does anyone know why that could be? Answers on a postcard.. J
(the photo was taken on Durban beach, some guys were doing sand sculptures and this one caught my eye. Some people are SO talented!)
At Friday, 13 October, 2006,
Steve Tilley said…
Sounds like an altogether less -demanding day than being licensed by a bishop. Love the sand sculptures.
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