movie reviews

So I've had a bit of down-time recently and have made the most of it to see some interesting movies.
First, I saw a dvd of ELIZABETHTOWN, which is one of those chickflicks that actually has a quirky side to it that makes it quite good. Maybe it was the quirky characters in it, played by Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst. Any movie plot that revolves around a guy rediscovering his life at his father's funeral and an 'out there' air hostess who keeps appearing to cheer him up helped, or the road trip at the end across small town america... more than just an 'aww, sweet' film...
Then, last night, for an arty, intellectual evening, I saw EL LOBO, a Spanish film about ETA terrorists in the Basque region in the early 1970's, based on a true story. Good film. Refreshing to watch a movie in Spanish for a change, and good to see Patrick Bruel doing more than just singing (ageing French rock star, yes they do exist!). Also, good to discover Eduardo Noriega with his smouldering Latino looks, even though he does die his hair blonde for part of the film.
Having studied foreign films as part of my degree, it's always good to keep up with European cinema. Just as Amélie was a cool French success, mostly because it wasn't your classic 'French' movie, this was a bit of a hit precisely because it wasn't your classic 'Spanish' movie. And that was refreshing, even if there was the usual mix of violence, death, sex etc (well it was a thriller about terrorists, what you do you expect?)
Still, the film makes a point about people who really believe that bloodshed will get you what you want. Quite scary to think that there are people who are prepared to go to any lengths to get what they want in this world. Usual story, could be about so many different separatist groups in this world. It seems we never learn...
At Thursday, 13 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
This is a very borIng blog, me and my frienDs in the offIce do not like this. You are nOT a natural critic of films.
We want funny stories of South Africa and God's voices in your head talking to you.
At Thursday, 13 July, 2006,
Caroline said…
sorry to disappoint, Piotr, but as it's my blog sometimes you've gotta take what you get... :)
ps: hello to all your friends in the office (I hope it's an exciting place that you work in...)
At Friday, 14 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I work in marketing, we have fUn. They all say 'BuZaki'!
First rule of marketing understand yOur customers. As I say, me and my Friends like the God stories and the OrphAnage but not the 'I love myself' atTiude. Tell us fun about KZN, we laugh with you then not in you.
At Saturday, 15 July, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
Piotr - you seem to misunderstand the concept of a blog. It's a place where the blog owner writes about whatever (s)he wants to write about. Not to write about stuff to satisfy some supposed audience. It's not a marketing exercise.
If you find what's on a blog uninteresting then don't bother reading it. Certainly don't bother commenting on it. But it seems a rather silly and slightly egocentric thing to expect that someone ought to write about certain things on their blog. Who are you to tell Caroline what to be interested in?
At Saturday, 15 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
You have no funny english humour, you are angry man. Because you are trying to be a hero for Caroline we do not give money to Gods Golden AcRe, I do not give money to AIDS due to Mr Potts being angry and idiotic with last comment. Caroline's blog it is marketing exercise, my special friend Caroline say this blog is about going to help AIDS in Africa. My office has £328 collection which we now give to Sport Relief. That is why marketing is important if you had gouged youre auDience you would have our money.
We like this website because it makes us laugh and we talk in English, which we all try to learn, about this strange British woman going to Africa we may give money but not now due to Mr Grumpypants
We go now because CAroline has angry friends we do not like, we try to learn English better elsewhere and we give our chaRity money to them.
Buzaki CAroline, you friends have heart but quick temper.
That's who we are, we were potential sponsor. We give our money not to you. You listen to audience. Capite?
At Saturday, 15 July, 2006,
Caroline said…
I'm sorry to hear that, Piotr.
Blogging is a hard-to-define concept and misunderstandings happen easily. I'm sorry that you are offended by Jon's comments.
Just to clarify, though, this is NOT a specific marketing exercise. It is merely my thoughts and extracts from my life as I prepare to go to live in Africa for a bit, and when I get there. If people want to give money to GGA through reading it then excellent.
I'm glad you have been using my writings to improve your English ;)
At Sunday, 16 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I find out about you through this website, not specific but you market yourself on this blog by writing and showing blog. If you do not want comMent, do not pUblish and keep personal diary or send e-mail only to friends and family called POtts and Martin. Do not invite comment from whole wide world web if you do you get comments back you do not like.
You have friends who are not friends. You lOse fund raising because of your angry friend. Shout at him, we want to make constructive critIcism but your friend is too silly to see we want to laugh with you.
Say goodbye to £328 due to Jonathan PottS and silly last comment about question who we are.
At Sunday, 16 July, 2006,
Andy said…
Pottsy, I hope you are ashamed of yourself, you angry, angry man.
At Sunday, 16 July, 2006,
Caroline said…
Points made.
Here endeth the lesson.
At Monday, 17 July, 2006,
Martin said…
Um... did I miss something?
Oh well.
At Monday, 17 July, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
Sorry about losing Carloine 328GBP by being "angry and idiotic". But at least it's going to another good cause so no-one can really complain. After all, this is about charitable giving, not capitalistic one-up-man-ship and clever marketing.
"Idiotic" is a strange claim since:
a. what I was saying was correct (as Caroline has confirmed)
b. it comes from someone who will decide how he alots his charitable giving on the basis of one comment from one friend of one person who works for the charity.
Personally, I usually alot charitable giving on the basis of whether I think the charity's a worthwhile cause and whether it seems well-organised for sustainable results. And apparently I'm the idiot.
At Monday, 17 July, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
sorry: alot=allot.
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