Prayer Conference
If you live within travelling distance of the Parish Church in Leamington Spa, get down there Friday night or Saturday to learn some amazing things about prayer, be inspired and taken deeper into connection with God.
It's well worth it, and there is NO EXCUSE for sitting around watching tv on Saturday morning when you could be exercising your spiritual muscle instead.
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(but there will be a break for the footie though - so don't let that put you off ;) )
Why stay on dial up with God, when wireless broadband is on offer for free!
It's well worth it, and there is NO EXCUSE for sitting around watching tv on Saturday morning when you could be exercising your spiritual muscle instead.
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(but there will be a break for the footie though - so don't let that put you off ;) )
Why stay on dial up with God, when wireless broadband is on offer for free!
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