Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Homes of Hope - further news

A while ago I blogged about 'Homes of hope', a group who went out from London to do some building work for GGA.
Well, they've done it and they're back and on their website there is a great photo journal
(which even loads quickly for those still on dial-up, like me!)
check it out for some pictures of life over there!


  • At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger Martin said…

    Wow. Sounds like a really great way for people with just their short normal holidays to get stuck in, rather than just donating and praying. Probably almost as rewarding for the participants as the receivers of the gift. I'm also very impressed with the speed of building work!

  • At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger Caroline said…

    yeah, well they were well-dedicated and blessed by generous giving from contacts and friends. That's not to say we couldn't get something similar organised from Leam, just needs motivated people to get it organised. There's always need for housing!


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