End of an era
Today I finished my job. ;-)
I am no longer Headteacher.
No more having to make decisions and argue with trustees.
No more having to wear skirts and avoid trousers at work, my trusty old, yet classic trouser suit is once more re-instated in my wardrobe!
It's been fun working with the EB Kids. They don't like the internet, so I can't write much about them here. But God lead me there 2 1/2 years ago when I quit my comprehensive job (before I went completely mad) and then put me in a leadership position. It's all been preparation for something, and skills I've learnt there will probably be extremely useful at GGA.
There have been some challenging moments and I've never had to deal with such interesting characters, I could write a book on some of their ways, and maybe one day I will...
So, the end of an era. I've put my stack of chocolate presents in the fridge, and am ready to wrap up my stunning flowers to take them camping this weekend. Tragically, they are gorgeous red gladioli which will clash terribly with the amazingly retro orange and brown mega-tent I've borrowed from my parents... (SOOO retro it's now back in fashion.. it even has flowery 70's curtains, excellent).
The kids and their families have been very generous in donating kids' clothes and toys for the children at GGA. Several of the parents have grasped the vision for what Heather is trying to do and are inspired by the story of GGA. It's good to have them on board.
My official leaving present from the school - crystal wine glasses... beautiful, but not so useful for a mega journey south... and a copy of their Bible (now that would have been useful 2 years ago, to aid my debating skills in the classroom) . The staff got together to get me binoculars. Fantastic, much more useful for safari ;)
But year 9 excelled themselves and clubbed together to get me a mini clock set in a light blue vw campervan complete with 2 surfboards on the roof. I'll put a photo on sometime. Some presents can be tacky, this one is brilliant!
Many memories, much fun, leaving is always a bit sad, but there are lots more exciting times ahead and now it's full steam ahead for the big tidy up and throw out...
I am no longer Headteacher.
No more having to make decisions and argue with trustees.
No more having to wear skirts and avoid trousers at work, my trusty old, yet classic trouser suit is once more re-instated in my wardrobe!
It's been fun working with the EB Kids. They don't like the internet, so I can't write much about them here. But God lead me there 2 1/2 years ago when I quit my comprehensive job (before I went completely mad) and then put me in a leadership position. It's all been preparation for something, and skills I've learnt there will probably be extremely useful at GGA.
There have been some challenging moments and I've never had to deal with such interesting characters, I could write a book on some of their ways, and maybe one day I will...
So, the end of an era. I've put my stack of chocolate presents in the fridge, and am ready to wrap up my stunning flowers to take them camping this weekend. Tragically, they are gorgeous red gladioli which will clash terribly with the amazingly retro orange and brown mega-tent I've borrowed from my parents... (SOOO retro it's now back in fashion.. it even has flowery 70's curtains, excellent).
The kids and their families have been very generous in donating kids' clothes and toys for the children at GGA. Several of the parents have grasped the vision for what Heather is trying to do and are inspired by the story of GGA. It's good to have them on board.
My official leaving present from the school - crystal wine glasses... beautiful, but not so useful for a mega journey south... and a copy of their Bible (now that would have been useful 2 years ago, to aid my debating skills in the classroom) . The staff got together to get me binoculars. Fantastic, much more useful for safari ;)
But year 9 excelled themselves and clubbed together to get me a mini clock set in a light blue vw campervan complete with 2 surfboards on the roof. I'll put a photo on sometime. Some presents can be tacky, this one is brilliant!
Many memories, much fun, leaving is always a bit sad, but there are lots more exciting times ahead and now it's full steam ahead for the big tidy up and throw out...
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
SeLL your glaSSes on ebAy then you wIll take money fOr air flight deposit. Are yOu seLLing thIngs to raIse money, we mAy buy thIngs iF good priCe.
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006,
Caroline said…
I considered selling somethings, but I don't have much that would raise much money, and also someone has hijacked my Paypal account so I can't use it anymore I don't think.
Most of my stuff I give away and then people can choose to support me or not, as they feel led.
By as for the wine glasses, they mean a lot to me and are beautiful. They will be better off in the family than being sold off, so sorry, I'm keeping them.
I'm getting rid of so much stuff, but there are somethings I must keep...
At Friday, 21 July, 2006,
Rich Burley said…
End of an era indeed, and Exodus from Leamington. I guess every few years the 20's and 30's group just completely changes. God bless on your trip - I'm sure it will be amazing.
At Sunday, 23 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I have nasty dream from GOd yesterday niGht. He ask me if he thInk you have goOd money for trip, I have fear you wiLL not geT permit for Your journEY from South AfriCa dUe to Poor money. Are you strong you geT permIssion to work, will you gEt a visa or is theRe steel a strong chANce you not allOwed to go? do You have enouGh money?
At Saturday, 29 July, 2006,
Caroline said…
Hi Piotr,
All donations will be properly used. If God warned you in a dream you should act on it and not hold back. Email me at carolinehorn@yahoo.com and I'll give you more information...
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