Chelsea Flower Show

Cue the sun.
As were the flowers.
I thought it might be a little boring, oh no. Not for the biggest flower show in the world. The gardens were perfectly planted and the main pavillion was awash with colour of thousands of gorgeous flowers. And yes, that is a corgi in the photo (another area presented floristry offerings celebrating the Queen's 80th)
It was a journey of discovery.
Confirmed that I know practically nothing about gardening - a humbling experience, am developing a new-found respect for those who spend hours perfecting the peaceful places in my life.
Confirmed too that God is just amazing in the variety of flora and foliage he's created, all for us.
I may not be able to grow them, but I do enjoy photographing flowers and now have a fine selection of flowers to form my relaxing desktop background (never need watering either!)
At Tuesday, 30 May, 2006,
The Johnson's said…
Those orange, spikey looking flowers in the last photo are quite common here in Mexico. Looks like you had a good day. My mum would love it.
When the sun came out after the closure announcement, did the show open again, or was that it? I didn't think you were quite clear on that point. I can see why, as you were moving creatively from one paragraph to the next - nice style - but I missed the climax of the previous - bad story telling ;-)
At Tuesday, 30 May, 2006,
Caroline said…
Alright, Señor Perfeccion...
No, it shut there and then and everyone piled out with their armfuls of flowers that were sold off cheap.
I forgot to mention the big sell off that happened at 4pm, there was a countdown and everything. it was very exciting and gorgeously expensive flower arrangements were being sold off for silly money... if only I knew what I was looking for, or indeed what to do with them, I could have found some floral bargains...
At Thursday, 01 June, 2006,
The Johnson's said…
It should read 'Señor Perfección', actually.
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