GGA Update
That's not to say anything has changed in my situation, plans are still very much progressing, here's an update of how things are going so far...
I've now got my official invitation to GGA, which means I can apply for my visa. Just waiting for my new passport to arrive, then I'll be off to experience the joys of S.A. bureaucracy at the Embassy... After the bureaucratic nightmare that is Italy, S.A. can't possibly be that bad ;)
My role when I get to GGA will be as Administrator/PA
and will comprise 5 areas (initially)
- writing and maintaining reports
- overseeing homework and education for the children
- dealing with volunteer enquiries
- fundraising
- PA events
So just a few things to keep me occupied then! I'm particularly looking forward to getting involved with the childrens' education, as it will be a challenge for me, not being their teacher as such, but more from a home point of view, to encourage them in their learning. Having been the one who sets the homework and even plans the homework timetable and does the liaison with parents when homework isn't done for whatever reason, I'll now be the one getting the kids to sit down and do their work... It should work as a triangle, with parent, teacher and pupil all working together, I'll switch from teacher to 'parent' for a while! But what an important role, as education is the way forward for these kids, their attitude will probably be so different to the kids in England, and their studies are key to getting out of poverty and to making a difference to society. These children are the future of S.Africa, who knows what future leaders are currently studying diligently within the walls of GGA? It's going to be such an amazing privilege to be a part of their education.
I've spoken to the GO Team from my church, the team who co-ordinates people who go out from the church family to work overseas. In addition to this we had a very successful S.African evening for my small group which was really encouraging. It was great to be prayed for and to feel some of the excitement about where I'm going. I am so excited about what God is going to do at GGA when I'm there, both in and through me, and how lives will be changed.
The next few months will see me speaking at various church services in Leamington and around. There's still a possibility that the Young Zulu Warriors will come to the UK on tour, but not sorted as yet, watch this space...
I have various items of merchandise for sale to raise money for GGA, beaded badges in various forms, a CD of various songs by the GGA singers, plus copies of Heather's biography. Contact me if you'd like any of them, although I'll have them in church when I speak.
It's exciting to think I'll be leaving my school soon, and things are starting to wind down a little, although there is still masses to do before the end of term. Memories of summer terms at school as a child were always of it being quite chilled, and I suppose for the kids it is still like that, but when you get to the teacher side of it, and especially the head teacher bit, this can be the most manic and busiest time of the year, especially when one is doing handover as well. No wonder I'm starting to feel a bit drained and ill... ;(
I'm very glad that I'm not going alone, that God is always with me. I'm very glad that he has called me to go to GGA and that he goes ahead to prepare things and he is with me every step of the way. I am glad that he is with me constantly by the Holy Spirit living in me and that he shows me what to do in every situation. For, as tired as I am today, I am reassured that 'I can do everything through him who gives me strength.'
Sometimes I just think, I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be living in the situation to which I am moving. I've seen videos (technology prevents me from putting them on here, but if you're in church you'll get to see it), pictures and read a lot, but still that will not really adequately prepare me, so I'm going to have to take a big deep breath and a massive step of faith and trust that God will see me through. It's his work I'm going to do. He always provides and equips for those he calls. Otherwise he wouldn't have called...
I'm not perfect, neither is this blog, just to let you know (and to clarify for my Afrikaaner friend), I'll be updating with preparations for Africa and with what's going on with me here in Leamington, as a journal of my life here over the next few months. So expect some serious stuff and also some more light-hearted entries, as I see fit... The beauty of this being my space and all...
At Tuesday, 16 May, 2006,
Martin said…
Always good to hear more about this (although I like to hear about everything be it serious or light-hearted).
I'm sure that you will learn a whole new dimension in trusting God over time, which is a good thing with him being totally trustworthy. I do envy to an extent the way some people can trust God so much more than I ever seem to be able to, but no doubt God will teach me that lesson in his own time.
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