fast cars... part 1

Whereas I would normally only be happy in a very swish Merc or Audi, today I decided to take a little risk and live a little bit and actually take up the offer of a ride in a funky kit car (BEFORE my brother has had a chance, sorry James your time will come!!!! ;-) )
My friend Tom has a Westfield. He built it himself over about 7 years...
It's black and I don't have a photo of it, but there are scarily lots of websites about cars so I 'borrowed' some photos from them. Tom will probably tell me these pictures are nothing like HIS car, but anyway... what would I know, I'm just a girl....
And to that end, Tom's car is black, not yellow or red, but it's just as shiny.
It might not be totally legally roadworthy, but then who's to know... I am just a girl...

In the event, after a pleasant few hours in Starbucks (they WILL fold in September when I leave the UK, at least the Leamington ones will - word of knowledge). Tom finally persuaded me that I did want a brief ride in his car from where it was parked (4 cars up from mine) to my lovely air-conditioned Honda, via the one way system, ie the long way round...
Slight problem of hair...mine.
I have too much, either that or my head is too big for the 'Darth Vader' crash helmet I was supposed to put on before attempting such a voyage.
Either that or I just didn't fancy looking stupid at 6.30pm in Royal Leamington Spa... it would have been that Zovirax advert all over again (apologies if that's a cultural reference).
In any case, I went for the hardcore option of just wearing sunglasses... much cooler (in all senses)
Now, I can't go into any technical details of the ride, because frankly I haven't got the foggiest, but to start with it felt like one of those little train rides you go on along the promenade on any of Britain's seaside resorts.. fresh evening air and light breeze gently lifting one's hair...
Then Tom put his foot down and the whole journey became slightly more scary...
Yet I survived and lived to tell the tale and managed even not to go into shock or shake when I got out of the vehicle (which beats runaway railroad train at Alton Towers!)
Maybe I'm improving on taking risks...
Maybe he was being nice and not driving too fast... (yeah, right!)
In any case, well worth a trip if you ever get the opportunity. Can now cross it off my to-do before Africa list and move on to item 2, the London Eye...

At Tuesday, 02 May, 2006,
Steve Tilley said…
Do you think that perhaps mild-mannered Tom Bacon, put behind the wheel of a car becomes scary-pants man?
At Tuesday, 02 May, 2006,
Caroline said…
indeed, or more than that, he becomes 'I'm going to drive the fastest and win EVERY race' man...
wacky races has nothing on him..
you should try it!
there's a club of hardcore westfield passengers rapidly developing, to join you need to go for a spin without the crash helmet and just in a pair of sunglasses (preferably Gucci, but not essential)
So far membership is up to 3, but not sure if Lars actually survived the experience!
At Wednesday, 03 May, 2006,
Caroline said…
for a small fee, or the temporary loan of a nintendo game cube let's say, I'm sure a few strings could be pulled... ;-)
At Friday, 05 May, 2006,
Caroline said…
To quote Lars Wicks:
'It was the single most scariest moment of my entire life'
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