new hobby...
It appears I have a new hobby : RANTING...
I don't know what has come over the kids at school, they used to be a fairly decent load of kids, a bit weird, but understandably so.
Yet suddenly over the past few weeks they've turned into the spawn of satan with no reason whatsoever...
well not all of them, but a good number of them...
I am fed up of having to repeat myself 5 times before a child will turn round to look at me to hear what I'm saying, I'm fed up of having to wait for several minutes for the kids to shut up when it's obvious that all the teachers are waiting for them to be ready. I'm fed up of having whatever I say taken to pieces and quoted back at me in a mocking manner, I'm fed up of kids who know they are supposed to eat only in certain places deliberately taunting me by pretending to eat in front of me. I'm fed up with the so-called 'well brought up' little kids who think they know it all and have free run of the school....
And when I take a stand to deal with this amazing disrespect, the trustees step in to say that sometimes adults don't help the situation by provoking the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll show you 'provoking' if you like, Brethren, and it won't be pretty....
I left the comprehensive system to escape from yobs like these.... is nowhere safe?
If I manage to stay working for the Brethren and not leaving and sueing them for emotional abuse before the summer it will be only because of an act of extreme grace... and I'm not joking anymore
I don't know what has come over the kids at school, they used to be a fairly decent load of kids, a bit weird, but understandably so.
Yet suddenly over the past few weeks they've turned into the spawn of satan with no reason whatsoever...
well not all of them, but a good number of them...
I am fed up of having to repeat myself 5 times before a child will turn round to look at me to hear what I'm saying, I'm fed up of having to wait for several minutes for the kids to shut up when it's obvious that all the teachers are waiting for them to be ready. I'm fed up of having whatever I say taken to pieces and quoted back at me in a mocking manner, I'm fed up of kids who know they are supposed to eat only in certain places deliberately taunting me by pretending to eat in front of me. I'm fed up with the so-called 'well brought up' little kids who think they know it all and have free run of the school....
And when I take a stand to deal with this amazing disrespect, the trustees step in to say that sometimes adults don't help the situation by provoking the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll show you 'provoking' if you like, Brethren, and it won't be pretty....
I left the comprehensive system to escape from yobs like these.... is nowhere safe?
If I manage to stay working for the Brethren and not leaving and sueing them for emotional abuse before the summer it will be only because of an act of extreme grace... and I'm not joking anymore
At Friday, 17 March, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
Caroline, if you go work for a bunch of nutters then you can expect them to be nutters.
Go work in a high-attainment private school. They're miserable places for the students but the staff have total disciplinary control. And can sit back and teach poorly, safe in the knowledge that the students are clever and resourceful enough to get top grades anyway.
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