'I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus' Philippians 1v3-6
God calls me to do a job and then starts doing little miracles to show me he's with me all the way. And this is why I love him so much!
Went to get some thank you cards printed yesterday to give to all the lovely people who have helped me out financially so far -Thank you! - and the guy in the shop, for no apparent reason, deliberately charged me much less than he should have!! Hurray! ;)
And today I felt absolutely at peace about my next vaccinations, in fact more than that, I felt totally ok about having not only Hep B, but Hep A, Typhoid, Dipthteria, Polio, Tetanus as well!!! Feeling great at the moment, praying for victory over this and that I won't get ill with it at all...
...although I've stocked up on food and dvds, just in case! ;-)
...I am tough because the Holy Spirit is in me!
At Thursday, 16 February, 2006,
Martin said…
Good verses those. Always a good reminder when you think "how will I ever be up to God's standards - I'm so awful". God loves us anyway, and keeps working on us even when we think we're hopeless cases. Glad the jabs are going well. Oh, I like the last sentence too.
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