Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Friday, March 24, 2006

50th post ... on vaccinations

I've reached 50 posts already :) nice...

So, this vaccination lark... what's it all about...
I suppose I am making the most of actually having enough money to buy these incredibly expensive vaccines now before I chuck away my salary for the love of NGO work...

So far I've survived:
Hep B (injections 1 and 2 of 3)
Hep A
Rabies (1 and 2 of 3)
Cholera (1 of 2)

Check it out, how tough am I? And I may be getting over my fear of needles, didn't even have to lie down this last time, didn't feel faint at all ;-) progress!

Pleasures still to come:
Hep B, booster Hep A (that one's a freebie!), Rabies 3, Cholera 2,
Yellow Fever - for which I get a lovely certificate so I can fly in and out of places like Kenya.

In total I will have paid well over £400 for these precautions. Better to be safe than sorry. At this rate, the only vaccine I won't have got ticked in my 'I spy' vaccinations booklet is Japanese Tick Borne Encephalitis... I hope no Japanese Ticks decide to go on holiday near the Indian Ocean any time soon. Shame that one has to pay such a lot of money for these drugs when I am going to work for a charity. You'd think there'd be some sort of discount... Long live the NHS eh!

Praise God that so far I've not suffered any major problems apart from a sore arm (and thankfully only in my arm!) The worst one so far has been this week, Rabies 2 and Cholera. Probably would have been ok except I was recovering from tonsillitis which has left me totally drained... children have suffered at the hand of impatience as my arm swelled and distracted me from my usual jovial self...
I fell asleep in house group... amusing as there was a dog next to me at the time and I can blame him for the snoring noises... was supposed to be meditating on being in the throne room of God, instead I was dreaming of being in new Starbucks in Leamington with a certain person... hmm, maybe a subliminal memo to myself there.

Anyway, am hoping the tiredness improves over the weekend and I'm back to being energetic in time for another week at school. It's always hard at the end of term but this one has been particularly difficult. And I still have 2 parents' evenings to endure before then... still, am leaving half way through one of the parents' evenings for the next round of injections, so there are some advantages to getting all these shots...

'You will keep in perfect peace
her whose mind is steadfast,
because she trusts in you.'
Isaiah 26:3


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