
It's not often that I totally love a song on first hearing it, but last week, as I was working hard on the cross trainer, I caught a great video set in a snowy woodland with a group of blokes whose shaggy hair style could rival any funky Ridley ordinand... and that was it, total love at first sight!
But what I can't understand is how these guys can have been around for SO long and how I've not come across them before... (well I had been introduced to them at new year by an eager fan, but for some reason they hadn't stuck)
Anyway, NATURE'S LAW, amazing piano introduction and cool video, especially towards the end when the lead singer, Danny, wanders off into the snow as if he's given up and then turns around and comes running back to finish the song. Kind of Coldplay-esque. Magic.
'Embrace celebrate spring 2006 by releasing their fifth album. The journey they're on isn't about reputation or perfection. It's about romance, about adventure, about passion. Your reach should always exceed your grasp. Because otherwise what's the point? Set your sights too high and you might just reach them. '
Am I in danger of actually buying good music for a change?!?!?
Answers on a postcard, DJ Potts...
At Friday, 24 March, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
Yeah - Embrace really aren't that good, I'm afraid. Their first single "all you good good people" was quite good, though. But when I bought their (first) album (the good will out), the vast majority of the songs were lesser versions of "all you good good people". I haven't heard the new song yet - it may well be quite good - but I wouldn't trust them to pull of a whole album's worth of good stuff. They were good when I saw them at Reading '97, though (but this may have been tempered by the fact that I was a bit stoned at the time - I was naughty as a teenager, I admit).
Point of interest - the first ever conversation I had with Rich Burley, he slagged off Embrace.
At Friday, 24 March, 2006,
Martin said…
My feelings about their song "Fireworks" are neatley described by a lyric from that very song, "Now the fireworks have all gone out".
I never found the sound of embrace particuarly offensive, and yet I was never inspired enough by their music to buy any - not even a single (and I got many singles and many albums at that time)
At Friday, 24 March, 2006,
Caroline said…
Actually Danny's (lead singer) hairstyle would look good on the Rev Rich Burley... Maybe I've been seduced by that cute and slightly hopeless look he has. Danny not Rich.
Will still buy the album despite criticism (when has that ever stopped me?)
Will still probably listen to it in Africa and think of Leamington and cry a little sometimes, ah the good old days!
Will still persist in choosing music that is defined as 'sad' and 'eccentric' - part of my charm of being multi-lingual, you can't understand half of my record collection unless you have lived in France and Italy for a sustained period of time. It's an eclectic mix of europop and cheese, which incidentally does not translate into either French or Italian. Describing music as being 'du fromage' or 'come formaggio' just doesn't work... the nearest they get it 'kitsch' and in fact that is German...
(has anyone noticed yet that I am rambling on a red wine and chocolate high..., no? Good. Don't tell anyone ;) )
At Tuesday, 28 March, 2006,
Caroline said…
well they're good enough to do the World Cup song so I guess I'll like them a bit longer...
The more I listen to them, the more I love their songs...
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