Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

weekend off 1

Great start to my weekend off! Trip to the Pavilion Mall in Durban wasn't as fun as it could have been as I developed an allergic reaction to an insect bite shortly before leaving to go there and ended up feeling like death!
Still managed to get a few bargains though, and won't need to go shopping for a little while now. Everything is amazingly cheap here (except cars) and you can buy almost everything under the sun at this mall, it has to be rivalling The Metrocentre in Gateshead for size and variety of shops!
Anyway, this blog is rapidly becoming 'diary of a hypochondriac' as I'm almost on first name terms with the receptionist at Cato Ridge surgery! Couldn't really wake up this morning as my migraine was so bad, but HJ had to go to the Dr anyway so we both went down, squished into the front of a bakkie in soaring temperatures. Waited for ages to see the Dr, but he thinks it's an allergic reaction and probably not tick bite fever, which is good cos that's horrid....
So most of our weekend off so far has been spent in bed! ;(

BUT, we did shake hands on a car deal this morning so within a few days we'll be driving round in our toyota camry (with air con!!) and managing to escape for a few hours. We've also managed to borrow one of the bakkies to go to church tomorrow morning so hopefully will make some friends there. So life isn't too bad!


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