Prayer-Newsletter 2 Sept-Oct 2006
I'll be sending this out in an email to many people, but here's my prayer letter, if you want to copy and paste and print this out instead, be my guest! The most important thing is to bring things before Almighty God in prayer and to stand with me in the work I'm doing out here!
Caroline’s Adventures in South Africa
Newsletter 2 Sept-Oct 2006
Welcome to Africa and to God’s Golden Acre!
I’ve arrived safely in South Africa.
God’s Golden Acre ‘Khayelihle’ is situated on top of a hill up about 3kms up an extremely dusty dirt track. It’s quite a big place and houses 85 children, 39 volunteers and more than 20 staff.
My house is one of the best equipped on site and is situated safely next to the offices near the car park, away from the children, so it’s fairly peaceful. Heather J (from Leamington) lives next door and Christine (volunteer co-ordinator) lives next to her. We’re forming a cosy little community and even considering doing something with the garden, even if it’s only clearing out the dead plants to prevent snakes from hiding there!
One big answer to prayer is that you can buy pretty much every thing here (except Balsamic Vinegar and De-caff Tea), so I’m managing to eat healthily!
My Role: My official job title is now ‘Educational Projects Manager’. I’m overseeing everything from crèche up to arranging adult literacy classes for the Gogos. In addition to this I’ll be working with Heather Reynolds on setting up some sort of training for those in the valley, maybe working with the local primary school. Heather J (HJ) and I are also working on the spiritual side of things here, which involves:
Setting up a prayer/counselling room – currently being painted
Offering to pray with people whenever the opportunity occurs
Bible study with Volunteers
There’s a lot of potential here for Sunday school, Youth Bible studies, prayer groups, maybe even Alpha. It’s an exciting time of development and opportunity. Many people are willing to talk and open to receive prayer. Pray for wisdom to make the most of every opportunity
The children
So far, I’ve only spent time with the children on site at Khayelihle. They are a delightful bunch aged 1-21, very keen for attention. These are some of the kids I met on the first day. They are amazingly cute, if grubby all the time! It’s exciting to finally meet those who I’d only seen on photos over the past year. Looking back, I can already see their unique characters shining through on photos!
• The children respond well to attention; their smiles are precious; setting boundaries and seeing them play safely within them; knowing that I am making a difference to their lives.
• HJ and I are aiming to be positive peaceful influences around the place, singing and praying together regularly. We’re starting to sense a more peaceful atmosphere, although with so many different cultures working together there are still volatile moments.
• The Valley of 1000 Hills is beautiful, we’re on top of a hill with amazing views all around. Photos don’t really do it justice. It’s hard to believe there is such poverty and death amongst the townships, but the grim reality is that 1.3million out of 9.2million people here in KZN have HIV/AIDS.
Communication – it took me almost a full week to access the internet and even now it’s REALLY slow. Time passes slowly here and at 6pm every night, darkness falls, literally. It’s not safe to be out then.
Car – Church – we’re seeking the right church family to get involved in, and transport to get there, a car is essential, we just need to find the right one.
Cold – I arrived with a cold, which wasn’t good. Having mixed with children with a range of runny nose, it’s hasn’t improved. I’m now on antibiotics and need it to clear before I head anywhere near the Valley, as a nasty strain of influenza is apparently rife down there, not to mention Drug-resistant TB!
You may have heard about a new strain of drug resistant TB that is spreading. We are right in the epicentre of it in KZN, where 60 people in Eastern KZN have died of this particular TB.
900 AIDS patients die of TB daily in S.Africa and this new strain is impervious to the main TB drugs.
Pray for those dealing with this and suffering from it. Pray too for better education for AIDS patients so that they take their medicine properly when first diagnosed, to increase chances of not contracting TB.
Here are Khayelihle we are currently not affected, I believe. Give thanks for the health of the children on site.
Wildlife watch
No big game yet. GGA is home to at least 12 dogs, 5 cats and a large domesticated sheep called ‘Sunday’. Not to mention the Cockerel who likes to start his morning under my bedroom window.
On my first day here the children found 2 night adders in the undergrowth, we’ve got several deadly species of snake here, usually recognised by the crowd of children trying to kill it and the volunteers all running in the opposite direction. No anti-venom available on site though. The snakes are just coming out of hibernation now and will be hungry and grumpy. Best left alone. As long as they don’t come anywhere near my house or office everything will be ok…
I share my office with a lovely Zulu social worker (not wildlife), a snail and a frog. Only one can help me with my language learning, but as the windows can’t be closed properly I can’t be bothered to evict the latter 2 yet, more may still join them!
Caroline xx
PHIL 1v6
Keeping in touch
*NEW* South African mobile number: ask me!
UK mobile (SMS only): ask me!
Address: God’s Golden Acre, PO Box 331, Cato Ridge, 3680, KZN, South Africa
Caroline’s Adventures in South Africa
Newsletter 2 Sept-Oct 2006
Welcome to Africa and to God’s Golden Acre!
I’ve arrived safely in South Africa.
God’s Golden Acre ‘Khayelihle’ is situated on top of a hill up about 3kms up an extremely dusty dirt track. It’s quite a big place and houses 85 children, 39 volunteers and more than 20 staff.
My house is one of the best equipped on site and is situated safely next to the offices near the car park, away from the children, so it’s fairly peaceful. Heather J (from Leamington) lives next door and Christine (volunteer co-ordinator) lives next to her. We’re forming a cosy little community and even considering doing something with the garden, even if it’s only clearing out the dead plants to prevent snakes from hiding there!
One big answer to prayer is that you can buy pretty much every thing here (except Balsamic Vinegar and De-caff Tea), so I’m managing to eat healthily!
My Role: My official job title is now ‘Educational Projects Manager’. I’m overseeing everything from crèche up to arranging adult literacy classes for the Gogos. In addition to this I’ll be working with Heather Reynolds on setting up some sort of training for those in the valley, maybe working with the local primary school. Heather J (HJ) and I are also working on the spiritual side of things here, which involves:
Setting up a prayer/counselling room – currently being painted
Offering to pray with people whenever the opportunity occurs
Bible study with Volunteers
There’s a lot of potential here for Sunday school, Youth Bible studies, prayer groups, maybe even Alpha. It’s an exciting time of development and opportunity. Many people are willing to talk and open to receive prayer. Pray for wisdom to make the most of every opportunity
The children
So far, I’ve only spent time with the children on site at Khayelihle. They are a delightful bunch aged 1-21, very keen for attention. These are some of the kids I met on the first day. They are amazingly cute, if grubby all the time! It’s exciting to finally meet those who I’d only seen on photos over the past year. Looking back, I can already see their unique characters shining through on photos!
• The children respond well to attention; their smiles are precious; setting boundaries and seeing them play safely within them; knowing that I am making a difference to their lives.
• HJ and I are aiming to be positive peaceful influences around the place, singing and praying together regularly. We’re starting to sense a more peaceful atmosphere, although with so many different cultures working together there are still volatile moments.
• The Valley of 1000 Hills is beautiful, we’re on top of a hill with amazing views all around. Photos don’t really do it justice. It’s hard to believe there is such poverty and death amongst the townships, but the grim reality is that 1.3million out of 9.2million people here in KZN have HIV/AIDS.
Communication – it took me almost a full week to access the internet and even now it’s REALLY slow. Time passes slowly here and at 6pm every night, darkness falls, literally. It’s not safe to be out then.
Car – Church – we’re seeking the right church family to get involved in, and transport to get there, a car is essential, we just need to find the right one.
Cold – I arrived with a cold, which wasn’t good. Having mixed with children with a range of runny nose, it’s hasn’t improved. I’m now on antibiotics and need it to clear before I head anywhere near the Valley, as a nasty strain of influenza is apparently rife down there, not to mention Drug-resistant TB!
You may have heard about a new strain of drug resistant TB that is spreading. We are right in the epicentre of it in KZN, where 60 people in Eastern KZN have died of this particular TB.
900 AIDS patients die of TB daily in S.Africa and this new strain is impervious to the main TB drugs.
Pray for those dealing with this and suffering from it. Pray too for better education for AIDS patients so that they take their medicine properly when first diagnosed, to increase chances of not contracting TB.
Here are Khayelihle we are currently not affected, I believe. Give thanks for the health of the children on site.
Wildlife watch
No big game yet. GGA is home to at least 12 dogs, 5 cats and a large domesticated sheep called ‘Sunday’. Not to mention the Cockerel who likes to start his morning under my bedroom window.
On my first day here the children found 2 night adders in the undergrowth, we’ve got several deadly species of snake here, usually recognised by the crowd of children trying to kill it and the volunteers all running in the opposite direction. No anti-venom available on site though. The snakes are just coming out of hibernation now and will be hungry and grumpy. Best left alone. As long as they don’t come anywhere near my house or office everything will be ok…
I share my office with a lovely Zulu social worker (not wildlife), a snail and a frog. Only one can help me with my language learning, but as the windows can’t be closed properly I can’t be bothered to evict the latter 2 yet, more may still join them!
Caroline xx
PHIL 1v6
Keeping in touch
*NEW* South African mobile number: ask me!
UK mobile (SMS only): ask me!
Address: God’s Golden Acre, PO Box 331, Cato Ridge, 3680, KZN, South Africa
At Wednesday, 20 September, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
just a quick message from California....great to hear your news. We will be thinking of you - it all sounds a bit different to Leamington Spa. But I know you'll cope admirably!
much love, anna and jon
At Thursday, 21 September, 2006,
Steve Tilley said…
Yeah agreed. Took a few moments out from packing to check a few friends sites. Love from us too.
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