Post 100 - amazing amazing amazing!

So I'm back from New Wine, a week that was nothing short of AMAZING!
There was brilliant weather (and corresponding sunburn) ,
Awesome worship times and many a healing, great company and lots of challenging teaching, matched by the presence of God to help us process it all and to lead us deeper into him...
The musical find of the year, and recommendation to everyone to rush out and buy it as soon as you can, is Brenton Brown's first solo album - EVERLASTING GOD
(and Thanks, Dan for discovering it first , playing it all day so it was well and truly in my subconcious, and then negotiating a discount for me for the last remaining, much played demo, copy in the shop ;-) !!) An album has got to be good when it sells out at a Christian conference where there are 8000 people.
On his website (, in the biography section, there is some interesting background to the album. Being South African, as he is, it's a particularly appropriate album for me to take with me and there is one song which I know is going to be a key song in worship out at GGA - 'We will worship Him'
To quote the man himself:
''This song is just a lovely picture of God’s grace, and how things can change."
Amen to that.
Jesu Inkosi - Jesus is Lord
Might return to the musings of Brother Brenton at a future occasion, but there is much more to say about what I learnt last week... But for now, am just checking back in with my blogfriends, I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine, and I'm now I'm off to catch up on some all important sleep ;)
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