Party Pictures...

Just like HELLO magazine, here's a compilation of who was there!
The pictures probably tell more stories than I can here justify...
Here's a brief run down of events..
- The Jug speakers didn't work so DJ Jon Potts had the easiest evening's work of his life - enjoy the wine Jon! But the CD's were great anyway!
- Loads of wonderful people came and it was great to see them all, especially my sister and bro-in-law who drove all the way from Ipswich to be there...
- Loads of wonderful people also gave me money for GGA, thank you SO much!
- No-one drank too much (as far as I can remember..... ;-) )
- A whole gang of people came to experience GLAM @ Evolve, Leamington's newest nightclub!
- Only a few made it through the sea of 'cheese' to the funky VIP lounge for some R&B fun.
- 5 of us made it through till 2.45am, and still got up before midday on Sat!
- I managed to wear stilettos for 7 hours straight, although I couldn't actually walk at the end (nothing to do with alcohol consumption at all!!!)
- Angus and I very much enjoyed my birthday cake (which we consumed BEFORE the party to save all the candle hassle etc etc) It did only serve 2!
- Ben tragically missed 'Livin' la Vida Loca' - our favourite song, by being on another dancefloor at the time...
- ...But I skillfully managed to avoid dancing to 'Cotton Eye'd Joe' (if you have a copy, burn it immediately and seek therapy)
Party Prizes and special party bags go to....
- Tom for more than surviving his first clubbing experience and still coming out smiling
- Ben for his ostentatious and extravagant dance moves - almost as flamboyant as his t-shirt ;-)
- Angus for his ghost impressions (see photos)
- Claire W for forgetting that she'd left her keys in Ruth's bag
- Lucinda's parents for driving back with them at 2.30am!
- Nic for being in almost as many photos with blokes as me...
- Oscar for being the latest arrival anyone has ever made at a party of mine...
Thank you all for coming, it was fantastic fun and that was largely due to the fabulous friends I have ;-)
next year, party in the Kruger...
At Monday, 13 February, 2006,
Martin said…
I believe that a 2:30AM person had to be out of the house at 9:30AM. Thankyou for the excellent party. Sticking a bunch of good people together in a room is the best recipe, and the music adds a nice seasoning (like salt and pepper - surreal enough a simile or you? ;-) ). I think the montage idea is excellent (and that's in a techie way as well as an artistic way ;-) )!
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