Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

burst of creativity...

Monday morning, fresh and new.
Some children, poorly with the 'flu,
Have stayed at home today it seems
For Fear of giving other teens
The nasty bug.
Yet some have braved
It into school, though sleep they craved.
A weary band of strugglers they,
But some did not quite last the day.
Better then, at close of play,
To rest until it goes away;
And stay at home to stop them sharing
Bugs with others, that's more caring.


  • At Thursday, 02 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Man Flu

    Is it true than there is a flu
    That can make a man feel like poo

    Always tired and cannot sleep
    Writing poems that are so deep

    Give me my dose of vitamin C
    And warm chicken Soup for my tea

    There will be another flu of Ducks
    Maybe I'll stick to coffee at Starbucks

    hould just stick to Starbucks


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