a lesson...
Psalm 145 v 8
I've had this verse in my head so many times, for so many people... Yet tonight it's spinning round in my head, and with it the conviction that it's also been a reminder for me all those times too... I'm an ambassador for Christ here and attempting to live out Kingdom values, being transformed to be more and more like Jesus by the Holy Spirit and here is a classic example of where I've failed to take on God's character of being compassionate, full of grace, slow to anger and be negative, and quick to be positive and full of love for people, to encourage and build up those around me.
Feeling majorly challenged by what God's been saying to me today, despite enjoying an AWESOME time at church in London (www.lifc.org) It's amazingly easy to appear positive about people whilst inwardly wishing they would stop being losers and do what I want them to do. It's easier to be 'amusingly witty' about or with people than to speak the truth and encourage them in their walk with or towards Jesus.
But thankfully for me, and you, our God is one who delights in dealing with 'slight hiccups', by inwardly convicting, then forgiving those who realise and turn back to him, and in giving fresh starts and fresh enabling and power to actually live this out.
I choose to be positive about people, to encourage and to build people up. All people who cross my path and all with whom I'm already in relationship. I can't do it in my own strength all the time, but I'm willing to give it a try and to trust God to fill in the gap.
Join me?
At Monday, 30 January, 2006,
Andy said…
Good words!
I'm with you! :)
At Monday, 30 January, 2006,
Jonathan Potts said…
Very true. I'm in, too. But much easier said than done. I think it's one of those things that I constantly have to struggle with. Not something I can just "start doing" and then do it. Especially since I'm naturally a cynical, difficult b****d. :)
It's good to be reminded of the struggle, though, otherwise I find I start to forget. And slip. So thanks, Caroline!
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