Lion’s Christmas Party (no predators involved!)

40 of the Khayelihle kids were privileged to be invited to a party kindly organised by the LIONS Club in Durban, and we spent a fantastic few hours at the National Sea Rescue Institute today. Thanks to all those who generously helped out today!
On arrival, we were taken on a boat ride round the harbour and past some enormous cargo ships. Durban is one of the major ports in the Indian Ocean and welcomes vessels from all over the world. For some of the children it was their first time on a boat but all were brave about it. One girl even got to steer the boat!
Then it was back to the centre for some games and face-painting, snacks and a visit from Father Christmas, this time arriving on a Sea Rescue 4x4, sirens blaring. They had some great presents and hot dogs from the braai for lunch.
But the fun wasn’t over, the volunteers with us had the opportunity to go for a ride on the lifeboat round the bay. I declined, as someone needed to keep an eye on the kids, and given the speed with which the boat returned, I was glad I wasn’t on it, although it did look impressive, performing what looked like a handbrake turn in the harbour (can boats do that?) Anyway, it was the highlight of the day for the volunteers! The kids by this point were more interested in feeding the interesting looking fish in the water with left over bread rolls. None of your boring fish here, this is ‘Finding Nemo’ territory...
At Monday, 11 December, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I just started my own blog about my preparations for going to God's Golden Acre. I found yours and thought it would be great to hear what it's really like.
I have questions that have not been answered by the volunteer coordinator. Communication has been very limited and I though you could be some great help.
Did you get vaccinations?
How much money do you spend while there?
How long will you be there?
I was just contacted two weeks ago about my acceptance to GGA. They want me to come in Febuary. I feel I have a lot to prepare for in the next two months.
I look foward to hearing from you!
At Saturday, 23 December, 2006,
Caroline said…
Hi Melissa!
Can't get onto your blog for some reason.
Sorry you've not had answers from the volunteer co-ordinator. We have incredible trouble with the internet here and she's probably not even received the email.
Can you email me with your email address at and I'll send you an email with answers to all your questions. Thanks! Looking forward to meeting you. Caroline
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