Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Just when you give up expecting…

For the past 19 days I’ve been on constant alert that at any moment I might have to drop everything and take one of our aunties (and preschool teacher) to hospital to have her baby. Since it was due early December, EVERYONE here has been checking up on her daily. But last night, as if on cue, just as I forgot about her and was enjoying a good night’s sleep, the moment came to take her in to hospital.
Adrenalin kept me going through the midnight fog, and we reached the hospital at 1.30am. Being a relatively small maternity unit, it seemed, we weren’t allowed in any further than the entrance. She was whisked off to join a queue of about 5 women in various stages of labour, and we were told to go home.
Of course it had to be this particular morning that several people needed to get hold of keys from me, so my sleep was rather disturbed. Grr, such is life!
But the good news is that she had a little girl this morning and mother and baby are doing fine. I was privileged enough to get the first photos of her at 6 hours old and she’s as gorgeous as all babies are!

My next challenge is with my adopted cat. I am starting to suspect that she may be pregnant as she’s suddenly become very friendly and is ravenous for food, that and the recent slightly enlarged abdomen lead me to the conclusion that the pitter-patter of tiny paws may well soon be heard in my little house… I could be wrong, but I guess we’ll see in a few weeks’ time. I’ve suddenly become quite an expert on cat gestation, thanks to Google. It’s fascinating and a totally new topic for me to research… Watch this space for further feline updates!


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