Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

...on being ill

ok, so now I'm fed up with being ill...

thanks to the 'helpful' Dr, suffering herself with lack-of-compassionitis,
the new medication I'm on seems to have done nothing but help me to know exactly what day my endometriosis will strike... :-(

not good. am now momentarily depressed.

can't even drown my sorrows with wine, doesn't mix well with the heavy cocktail of ibuprofen, paracetamol and codeine that I've currently got whizzing round my system...

and to make matters worse...

there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF INTEREST on telly tonight ;-)

(might be time to engage my brain with one of my many foreign language videos that I've not been able to watch until I moved to a house with a working video player! that and many other things I only think about doing when I'm confined to sofa-lounging... )

Time to head back to the Well ( I think and get a bit more prayer, seems to have more effect than Warwick Hospital has had till now!


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