Caroline's South African Adventures

Snapshots of my life and experiences in KwaZulu Natal. Welcome to South Africa!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

power of prayer

thanks for all who prayed - I survived my first (of many) injection!

going to a healing prayer meeting the night before probably helped too, and healed me of reaction to another medication I'm on! Hurrah!

some people might be tempted to pass that off as just getting used to taking new pills, but I know that I was feeling sick and suddenly after going to this meeting, I have not felt sick since, so I'm choosing the miracle route and that makes me happy and joyful :-)

now I need the miracle of not having to pay for injections, it still seems that if you are going to work somewhere such as I am, trying to do some good in the world, you have to pay loads for being regularly stabbed, whereas if you are going on holiday somewhere exotic, to lie on the beach, you can get free vaccinations.
great NHS this country has dreamed up eh...


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